2021-2022 Scholarships Program,New Zealand

Scholarship: Fully funded for three years
Qualifications: Bachelor’s, doctoral, undergraduate, master’s, postgraduate degree.
University: University of Auckland, Auckland University of Technology, Lincoln University of New Zealand, Massey University, University of Canterbury, University of Canterbury, University of Otago, University of Waikato, Victoria University of Wellington
Nationality: international students

Scholarship Description:

New Zealand Aid Program 2021-2022 International Student Scholarships is open for international students, Commonwealth countries various regions. The scholarship enables undergraduate, PhD, undergraduate, bachelor, master, postgraduate programs in the field of wide range of subjects, varies on the basis of the nationality of the student taught at the University of Auckland, Auckland University of Technology, Lincoln University of New Zealand, Massey University, University of Canterbury, University of Otago, University of Waikato, Victoria University of Wellington. The scholarship deadline is February 28/March 27 (annual).

New Zealand scholarships are available to citizens of eligible countries. If your country is not on the list, then the New Zealand Government does not offer you any academic scholarship.

Eligibility Criteria:

Age Requirements.

To apply for a New Zealand full scholarship, you must be 18 years of age or older at the time you start your scholarship. This means that if you are 17 years old when you apply for the scholarship, you must be 18 years old before you start the scholarship in the first semester. Samoa Exception: Samoan scholars may be 17 years of age at the start of the scholarship.

There is no upper age limit for applicants. This means that if you are 18 years of age or older, you are eligible to apply. However, applicants under the age of 40 are preferred for New Zealand scholarships for undergraduate or tertiary students.

Student Visa Requirements

New Zealand Student Visa Requirements and Application Form.

Academic Requirements

As part of the application process for New Zealand Scholarships, you need to choose your preferred educational institution and courses. Scholarship applicants do not need to apply for admission to their preferred educational institution and courses, but should check that they are likely to meet the minimum academic requirements and the minimum level of English required for their courses.

Course entry requirements are set by your chosen educational institution, so check the minimum entry requirements on their website before applying for a New Zealand scholarship.

Application Procedure:

The application procedure varies depending on your nationality and the regions listed above (under eligible nationalities). Visit https://www.mfat.govt.nz/en/aid-and-development/new-zealand-government-scholarships/new-zealand-scholarships-for-international-tertiary-students/how-to-apply-for-a-new-zealand-scholarship for more information on the application procedure.